Leaders of 3rd Infantry Division Field Artillery units pose questions to retired Division Artillery (DIVARTY) commanders during a leadership forum at Club Stewart, Oct. 16, 2014. Retired MG Kevin J. Bergner, Retired COL Tom Torrance and Retired COL Dan Grymes were the guest speakers for the forum, which was designed to pass on knowledge from past leadership to future leadership of the new DIVARTY. U.S. Army Photo by SSG Aaron Knowles, 3rd Infantry Division Artillery
The 3rd Infantry Division (ID) Artillery hosted a Leadership Development Forum at Club Stewart, Fort Stewart, Ga., Oct. 16.
The intent of the forum was to allow Soldiers in leadership roles throughout the Field Artillery community to learn from and ask questions to experienced division artillery (DIVARTY) leadership of the past, said MAJ Michael Ishida, the brigade aviation officer for the 3rd ID DIVARTY.
The guest speakers, MG (Ret.) Kevin J. Bergner, COL (Ret.) Tom Torrance, and COL (Ret.) Dan Grymes were all prior 3rd ID DIVARTY commanders and were invited as guest speakers to share their experiences.
Bergner commanded the DIVARTY from June 2000 to June 2002. Torrance commanded from July 2002 to July of 2004, and was the commander of the DIVARTY during the 3rd ID’s famous Thunder Run campaign. Grymes commanded starting in July of 2004 through the final years of the 3rd ID DIVARTY.
Throughout the forum, each speaker answered questions based on their individual experiences as a DIVARTY commander. Leaders from Field Artillery units within the Marne Division were invited to the forum to listen and participate in a brief question and answer session with the speakers.
“We all had different missions, and we had all done something that we had never done before,” Grymes said. “And that’s going to happen to you. You are going to build this DIVARTY and you are going to have to do some things that you have never done before.”
The guest speakers appreciated the opportunity to pass on their knowledge to the audience.
“I am very mindful that I am sitting in a room that has, probably in our countries history, the deepest combat experience and leadership of anytime in the history of the United States of America,” said Bergner. “I have a great humility and sense of what sacrifices you all have made and the sacrifices your families have made.”
At the end of the forum, each guest speaker was presented a Certificates of Appreciation, by COL John O’Grady, commander of the DIVARTY, on behalf of all of the leadership and audience.
Following the forum was a social hour allowing the Soldiers to relax and have one-on-one conversations with the guest speakers.